Genesis 1:26 begins with God’s profound declaration, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” From the moment God created humanity, He set them apart from everything else in creation. Everything in the world, up until this point, was spoken into existence—an expression of God’s creative power. But when it came to humanity, God took a different approach. He didn’t just speak man and woman into existence. He handcrafted them.
In the creation narrative, God breathed life into Adam and Eve, molding them from the dust of the earth and the side of Adam. There’s something unique about this act. It’s personal. God didn’t mass-produce humanity—He created each person as an original. In a world of over 7.6 billion people, there is only one you. You are handcrafted by the Creator of the universe.
This truth has powerful implications. Life may try to convince you otherwise, pushing you to conform or fit in, but you were made to stand out. Romans 12:2 calls us to not be conformed to the world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, so that we may prove what is God’s good, perfect, and acceptable will for our lives.
God Empowered You to Live in Dominion
God’s first commandment to humanity, in Genesis 1:28, was “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” This isn’t just a command—it’s an empowerment. You were created to have dominion, not as a promise of a problem-free life, but as a declaration of God’s intent for you to live victoriously.
Life’s challenges—ego, fear, distractions, and even religious misconceptions—can try to steal that dominion. The devil fears a believer who walks in dominion, for a believer who understands their authority in Christ is a force to be reckoned with.
You Are God’s Blessed Original
Before God gave any commandments, He blessed humanity. “And God blessed them” (Genesis 1:28). The blessing wasn’t conditional—it came first, before any sacrifice or obedience. You are blessed by God, not because of what you’ve done, but because of who you are in Christ.
The Psalmist declared, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not His benefits.” Even in the face of challenges—whether it’s financial struggles, family division, job insecurity, or even feelings of personal failure—God’s blessing remains over you.
Just because life is difficult doesn’t mean God’s blessing has departed. Remember, Rebekah was barren, yet God blessed her with twins. Peter walked on water, but the storm didn’t cease. Mary carried the Messiah, but her journey was far from easy. Even in the midst of adversity, you are still blessed by God.
Living with Childlike Faith
To walk in God’s dominion and blessing, we must regain our childlike faith. Jesus encouraged us to have the faith of a little child. Children embrace the wonder of life—they find joy in the simple things, and they trust deeply. Just like my grandsons, who find joy in the mundane and live with unshakable confidence, we too must embrace the wonder of God’s presence, His Word, and the opportunities He provides.
Childlike faith sees the world with awe. It’s not childish faith—self-centered and shortsighted—but faith that values the gift we’ve been given. Don’t be like Esau, who sold his birthright for a fleeting pleasure. You have been blessed to be a blessing, and it’s your responsibility to share that blessing with others.
God’s Mission: Be Fruitful and Multiply
In Genesis 1:28, God’s first command was to “be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.” God commanded humanity to expand and multiply, not just in number, but in influence. After the flood, God’s command to Noah was similar: “Go forth and multiply.” In the church, this command extends to us as well—“Go into all the world and make disciples.”
Life’s challenges may be trying to hold you back, but remember—God created you to live with purpose. You were made to impact the world. Whether you’re in your family, your workplace, or your community, you are called to be a source of hope, joy, and courage. You are God’s original, created to live in dominion, empowered and blessed for a mission.
As you walk in His dominion and blessing, never forget that you are not just a creation—you are God’s original, empowered to live boldly and with purpose. You were created to impact the world for His Kingdom, and in everything you do, you are called to be a light in the darkness.